
About Us

A cooperative is a democratically governed business organization in which a group of individuals, voluntarily, independently, and united in pursuit of their economic, membership and cultural interests and aspirations have collective rights..

Sanasa Union Galle.


Creating a new society based on cooperative principles and values .


* Guidance for the achievement of the aims and objectives Of the primary Sanasa Societies in Galle District.
* To create economic and social development of the members of the member Societies to practise mutual aid , frugality and values, to encourage..

* Premitive Sanasa Societies require ,to be a counsellor ,protect public relations agent and a banker at the secondary level.
* Dedicated to work foe the development and strength of the SNA movement.

Our Current President

Mr.Ananda Beligahamullage

Sanasa Union Galle.

He is,

Holds a Diploma in Business Management and Business Administration. From 2009 till now, he also held the position of Honorary President of Seera Mulana Colony Association. Likewise, 2022 During the year, the Executive Director of the Sanasa Association and the "Cooperative Board of Directors" of the Southern Province Galle District Cricket Board.

And He,

And by him,

  • Modernization of the Sanasa Union
  • Introducing new payment methods for staff promotion.
  • Payment of SIM and telephone charges for communication facilities.
  • Introducing new credit schemes.
  • To provide continuity of service to primary societies during the Covid crisis and to act with leadership skills so that the society does not collapse./li>
  • Computerization of 16 zones based on computer data.
  • Provide formal services to primary societies whenever possible.

Our Current Directors

Alone we can do so little ,Together we can do so much.


Jagath Perera
(vice chairman)

+94 704747537 (Habaradhuwa)

Mr.G.Thushara Liyanage

+94 713507833 (Akmimana)


+94 778652599 (Ambalangoda)

Mr.Ajith Lal Dissanayaka

+94 704747511 (Baddegama)


+94 704747522 (Balapitiya)


+94 710156666 (Benthota)


+94 776221253 (Bope-Poddala)


+94 704747527 (Alpitiya)


+94 718208949 (Galle)

H.Thilak Premawansha

+94 704747547 (Hikkaduwa)


+94 704747544 (Karandeniya)


+94 704747551 (Nagoda)


+94 701751190 (Neluwa)

A.P.G.Bandhula Shantha

+94 704747552 (Niyagama)


+94 704747553 (Thawalama)

U.G.Chandana Thilaka

+94 771450742 (Yakkalamulla)

Our Services

Sanasa Union Galle.

Grant of credit.

Loan facilities are provided under the declining balance interest system for primary SNC membership. Yes, through our company Inter Loans, Bilateral Loans, Foreign Loans, Public Loans, Mortgage Loans, Fixed Advances, Vehicle Loans, Institutional Energy Loans, Nested Loans.

Sanasa Union Galle.

representative services devision

Supply of all necessary stationery for primary sanasa societies at concessional prices

Sanasa Union Galle.

Insurance coverage.

Insurance for Primary Sanasa Samiti Officers, Honorary Board of Directors and Staff of the Association

Sanasa Union Galle.

Mortgage Service.

High advance amount for mortgage from us. 100000/= for 22K gold pound and 80000/= for 18K gold pound under interest percentage of 16% per annum.

Sanasa Union Galle.

Accumulation of deposits.

Sanasa Union Galle.

Promotion of education.

Conducting educational programs and giving advice on the up-to-date requirements for primary SNA societies (members, officers, staff)

Sanasa Union Galle.

Grant of foreign bursaries.

Conducting foreign education training workshops (based on requirements for primary society officers, members, board of directors and staff)

Sanasa Union Galle.

print calenders and day books.

Providing calendars and diaries at discounted prices.

Sanasa Union Galle.

Computer training

Free computer training sessions by the Society's Computer Academy for Primary School Officers

Happy Customers

Frequently Ask Questions

The Interest Rate of your Institution?

We provide current interest rate In the country.

Do you offer high interest for deposits in the institution?

We provide current interest rate In the country.

Are customer's financial needs met quickly?

Completed without delay.

How do you respond to regional managers about the organization?

They advise us to maintain good public relations.

Are you having balance assurance issues in your organization?

No. We provide balance certificates on due date.

Are there delays in issuing loans at your institution?

Loans can be availed without delay within two weeks if the relevant documents of the society are provided correctly.

Does your organization have communication weaknesses?

No,The relevant facilities are provided by a SIM card.

Can you meet the department's legal conditions and requirements through your organization?

Yes,our company meets the requirements.

Sanasa Union Galle.

Bank Loan

Through our company we offer interloan loans, property loans, project loans, government loans, mortgage loans, fixed advances, auto loans, corporate energy loans,kadalla loans.

Contact Us

"Thaksala" No.153,Abdhul Wahab Mawatha,Galle

Contact Form